Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’

Aegopodium podagraria ‘Variegatum’
“Gout Weed” “Bishops weed” “Ground Elder” “English masterwort”

Herbaceous Perennial – Groundcover- Invasive Weed

Native habitat : Eurasia

Highly invasive

Soil: any – can tolerate poor
Moisture: well drained – can be drought tolerant
Light: full sun to full shade (best in part-shade)
Plant size (h x w): 6″ – 8″ x which can spread indefinitely
Other: very fast growing, hard to contain

aegopodium podagraria idAesthetic
Spreads by rhizomes and seed; leaflets oval and serrated, basal foliage, light green with creamy white margins; flowers tiny white flat-topped, umbel, flower may to june

Is not easy to get rid of: only way to get it out is to remove all of the bed to 2′ deep, wash all the plants roots and then put them back in with new soil
Cut down flower heads


Often used as a ground cover but its herbaceous so not a great fit for Victoria; can compete with tree roots (but you will likely never get it out of that area after)
*if you are going to use it is should always be contained, container or mechanical barrier; its so fast growing and spreads like crazy, once its planted its there to say
Do not put roots right into the compost, kill in the sun
eat young leaves in the past

aegopodium podagraria ingarden

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:  rabbit resistant

Local info,: introduced; invasive especially in native areas
Identification (key features):
aegopodium podagraria floweraegopodium podagraria leaves