Lithodora diffusa ‘Grace Ward’

Lithodora diffusa ‘Grace Ward’
Syn. Lithosperma
“Blue lithospermum”

Evergreen Shrub

Zone: 6 – 9
Native habitat: Europe, garden origin

Soil: average
Moisture: well-drained
Light: full sun
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 3″ – 6″  x 24″

Shape/stem: spreading, mound
Leaf: small, dark green, simple, alternate, leathery, linear, entire with curving down margins,
Flower: numerous deep blue purple, 5 petals, saver form,
Bloom: late spring through summer

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general;
Maintain:  low maintenance, prune after flowering to keep neat, sheer off spent flowers keeping within the green; give it line ever once and a while
Propagate:  cutting, seed

Landscape: alpine, container, erosion control, ground cover, rock garden, bed edge, mixed shrub boarder, mixed perennial boarder, mass planting
Companion planting: blue bloom contrasts nice with white blooms, some ideas: lavender, Artemesia, Campanula ‘Dickson Gold’, Dianthus ‘Frosty Fire’, Euphorbia polychroma ‘Bon Fire’, Nepita faassenii ‘Persian Blue’, Sempervivum arachnoideum ‘Cobweb’,  Papaver ‘Summer Breeze Series – Yellow’
Medicinal: none known
Other: attracts bees
Pests and disease: none significant; if stressed may potentially see mites
Deer resistant: not known
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 
Nature: spreading low immanence ground cover evergreen
Identification (key features): Low, spreading; leaves very small, pubescent, elliptic, rounded tips; flowers small, 5 deep blue, petals.
Interesting facts:
