Convolvulus arvensis

Convolvulus arvensis
“Field Bindweed”

Herbaceous Perennial – Noxious Weed (class 1)

Zone: all
Native habitat : Europe and Asia

Soil: any;
Moisture: any
Light: full sun to part shade
Plant size (h x w): rapidly grows up to 5′ in a season

Shape/stem: spreading, carpeting, hugs the ground when there is nothing to climb up; weak prostrate stem from central root
Leaf: spirally arranged, linear/arrowhead-shaped, 2–5 cm, alternate, 1–3 cm petiol, green-grey
Flower: Small trumpet shaped flowers, white to tinged pink
Bloom: summer
Other: seeds freely,

Treatment (how to…)

Takes tenacity to remove this weed.  Once it is established in an area it is very difficult to remove, especially in grasses.  Pull it out where ever you see it and starve it if possible.  Will likely take years.  If you pull it and see no rootlets, you havn’t gotten the whole root.  Easiest when young and the soil moist.

Seeds can lay dormant but still viable in soil for 20 years. A single plant can produce up to 500 seeds. Deep root system is ddifficult to fully remove and Convolvulus arvensis will sprout from any fragments of rhizomes left behind.

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: no
Other animals:

Local info: Introduced weed; can out-compete native species
Nature: invasive weed spreads by seed and rhizome
Identification (key features): sprawling almost vine like, around shaped leaves, summer bloom of white to pink trumpet-esque flowers (refer to photo above)
Interesting facts: 