Hylotelephium ‘Herbstfreude’

 Hylotelephium ‘Herbstfreude’
Was Sedum spectacle ‘Autumn Joy’
“Stonecrop” “Sedum Autumn Joy”

Herbaceous Perennial

Zone: 3 – 9
Native habitat : Asia

Soil: any
Moisture: well-drained, moderate to dry, drought tolerant once established
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 1.5′ – 2′ x 1.5′ – 2′
Other: give it too much water and too rich conditions it will go floppy

Shape/stem:  clump forming, tidy, upright (to leaning as ages)
Leaf:succulent pale blue-green ovate leaves to 4 inches
Flower: dense terminal clusters, star-shaped flowers, change from pink to rich rose to copper with the fall season
Bloom: end of August to fall
Other: pops up in early spring

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general
Maintain:  zero maintenance; cut down old stems in fall, especially if has been given too much moisture (some stems will look nice over winter, if so cut them down the following spring but be cautious about cutting new growth); chealsey chop with produce multiple flower heads
Propagate:  division (easy to do in fall)

sedum-autumn-joy-sedum  Sedum-Autumn-Joy
Landscape: edging a boarder,  filler, container, cottage, cut flower, mixed boarder, classic boarder, mass planting, nice in a river along the edge of beds, fall garden, Mediterranean garden, rock garden
Companion planting: pairs well with grasses, spring blooming perennials; nice at the front of a bed with shrubs behind
Medicinal: none known
Other:bees and butterflies like

Pests and disease: none significant; may see batritus if given wet conditions
Deer resistant: no
Other animals: rabbit resistant

Local info,: not native but very common
Pot size (to purchase): 1g
Nature: useful classic boarder plant; late summer to fall interest
Identification (key features): succulent leaves (green, oval, serrate), flower clusters dense terminal (look like broccoli blooms) change colour from pink to copper red in fall
sedumsedumInteresting facts: AGM Winner