Rubus pentalobus ‘Emerald Carpet’

Rubus pentalobus ‘Emerald Carpet’
“Creeping Raspberry ”

Evergreen shrub

Zone: 6 – 9
Native habitat: Taiwan

Soil: Average
Moisture: well drained, can take some drought, tolerant of fluctuations in moisture
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 4″- 12” x 3′ – 5’
Other: tough, vigorous

Shape/stem: spreading, reddish stems with coarse bristles on them
Leaf: turn a bronzy colour in cold winters, palmate, green, thick, heavily textured, sandpaper-like foliage
Flower: Small, white, inconspicuous
Bloom: spring
Other: spreads by rhizomes; seldom fruits but is orange and raspberry like

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general; will cover an area quickly
Maintain: low maintenance, is easy to remove, can be cut hard back.
Propagate: cutting, division, layering (will root at nodes if pegged down) rubbususus

Landscape: ground cover, over rock or walls,  Useful as a ground cover, slope stabilization/ erosion control
Companion planting: nice with natives
Medicinal: unknown

Pests and disease: none significant;
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase):  1 gallon
Nature: durable spreading ground cover
Identification (key features): palmate, green, thick, heavily textured, sandpaper-like foliage that spreads rapidly 
Interesting facts: 

Comments:  doesn’t go to seed; cover a big area quite quickly; will suppress leaves

Polystichum neolobatum

Polystichum neolobatum
“Long-eared holly fern” “Asian sober fern”

Evergreen Perennial Fern

Zone: 5 – 8
Native habitat (range): Asia

Soil: rich; tolerate clay
Moisture: well-drained, moist, even moisture
Light: part sun to full shade, morning sun is best
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 24′ – 30′ x 24′ – 30′
Other:  takes dry shade

Shape/stem: clumping, stiffly upright to vase shape, arching stems, tidy
Leaf: fronds dark green, divided, glossy, leathery
Flower: no flower (reproduce by spores)
Other: fronds yellow in too much sun

Treatment (how to…)

Plant: give adequate water for first few years and plant in the proper place
Maintain: Don’t cut all the leaves at the same time, groom off dead leaves as they appear, carefully. Top dress with well compost (do not fertilize).
Propagate: spores, division

Landscape: front yard, front of a garden bed, woodland, shade garden, mass planting, slope, mixed boarder, edging, woodland margin, townhouse garden, winter interest
Companion planting:  nice with soft-textured ferns, and plants with paler green foliage; nice on its own or en mass
Medicinal: not known

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals: rabbit resistant

Local info,: not native but adapts well to our conditions
Pot size (to purchase): 4″ -1g
Nature: evergreen fern with tidy form all year round
Identification (key features): upright form lasting through all seasons with shiny double pinnate fronds
Interesting facts: great plant pick
Comments: fronds are so stiff that they do not collapse in our occasional snows


juncos effuses ‘Spiralis’

Juncus effuses ‘Spiralis’
Syn. J. e.  f. spiralis
“Corkscrew rush”

Evergreen Perennial

Zone: 4 – 9
Range: cultivar of Juncus effuses which is native to Europe, origin of the cultivar is uncertain, though Japan is thought to be a possibility

Soil: acidic, boggy
Moisture: moist
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 12″ – 18″ x 12″ – 18″
Other: tough

Shape/stem: upright, irregular form, clumping, corkscrew-like, spirally curled, leafless stems
Leaf: no
Flower: rarely see,small clusters of brown flowers
Bloom: Summer
Other: looks like wire but breaks apart easily when grabbed

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general; good moisture
Maintenance: no maintenance, remove any dead as needed
 division, seed (seed themselves around)

Use: rain garden, container, bog garden, specimen, accent, land reclamation (but be cautious of it spreading), cottage
Companion: good accent to larger leafed perennials and very erect straight perennials
cut foliage can be used decoratively in a vasejunnjunsa


Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant:
Other animals: 

Local info,: not native;, evergreen in Victoria
Nature:  evergreen perennial bog lover
Identification (key features):
 key feat. are growth habit (looks like a tangled up green wire) often found in boggy sites (refer to photo)
Interesting facts:

Comments:  becomes looser with age

Dryopteris erythrosora

Dryopteris erythrosora
“Autumn Fern”

Evergreen Perennial Fern
(deciduous in colder climates)

Zone: 5 – 9
Native habitat (range): E. Asia


Soil: humus-rich, moderately fertile, slightly acidic
Moisture: must have even moisture
Light: part shade to full shade (best for colour), can take a bit of sun but will pale out
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 1.5′ – 2.5′ x 1.5′ – 2.5′

Shape/stem: upright form, clumping, triangular, loose formDryopteris-erythrosora
Leaf: fern-like, basal, compound, pinnate, lance-shape to ovate, arching fronds, stunning coppery pink-red fronds in spring/summer, turning limey to deep green
Flower: no flower
Other: spreads slowly by underground rhizomes

Treatment (how to…)

Plant: give adequate water for first few years easy-to-grow
Maintain: low maintenance, do not take out all old fronds at once but only remove the oldest ones as showing their age
Propagate: spores, division

Landscape: woodland, shade garden, mass planting, slope, mixed boarder, front of bed, edging, container, woodland margin, townhouse garden, cottage
Companion planting:  hakonechlora, hostas or rhododendrons to create contrast and drama, companion plants with gold leaves and blue foliage look great against the deep green fronds of other ferns
Medicinal: not known
Other: grown for colour of new fronds

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals: rabbit resistant

Local info,: not native but adapts well to our conditions, evergreen in Victoria
Pot size (to purchase): 4″ -1g
Nature: evergreen fern with excellent coppery pink foliage  on new fronds Identification (key features): best id is bronzy-red new growth. upright young fronds
Interesting facts:
Comments: autumn fern, is somewhat misleading, as it refers to the russet tones of the new fronds, which appear more in spring than in autumn; can’t go wrong, very tolerant

Carex buchananii

Cares buchananii
“Leatherleaf Sedge” “Curly Sedge”

Evergreen Perennial Grass

Zone: 6 – 9
Range: New Zealand

Soil: average
Moisture: prefers moist soils but fast draining, must be well-drained in the winter months
Light: full sun to 1/4 sun
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 1′-2′ x 1′-2′
Other: needs moisture to looks good (not drought tolerant); needs full sun to be upright

Shape/stem: tuft,
Leaf: grass-like, simple, narrow, arching, evergreen, orange-brown or pinkish copper,  curling tips
Flower: spike, brown
Bloom: late summer
Other: can be short lived

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general; be sure it has proper moisture, can be short lived
Maintenance: no maintenance, comb out as needed 
 division, seed (self-seeds a little bit)

Use: accent, mass planting, edge od stream, architecture (holds form), filler, fall garden, erosion control, container, holding in a river bank, boarder
Companion:  its piny copper colours is nice to echo off of*, for other ideas see photo bellow 

sedge11 sedgeVulnerabilities
Pests and disease: none significant; 
Deer resistant:
Other animals: 

Local info,: not native;
Nature:  evergreen full sun grass with copper color and architectural form 
Identification (key features):
 key feat. are colour of evergreen foliage (bronze-ish), thin grass like leaves with curled tips, upright to slightly arching, 75cm
Interesting facts:


Around donax

Around donax
“Giant Reed grass”

Decidious Rhizomatous Perennial Grass

Zone: 6 – 11
Range: Mediterranean


Soil: any including clay
Moisture: medium to wet, can take standing water
Light: full sun to part shadedonasa Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 8′ – 12′ x 5′ – 8′

Shape/stem: clump forming, spreading,  bamboo-like stems to 5m
Leaf: arching, strap-shaped blue-green leaves, sheathing off stem, looks similar to corn
Flower: large terminal purple flower panicles
Bloom: late summer

donaszTreatment (how to…)
Plant: don’t plant near water or open systems (invasive and don’t want in spreading this way)
Maintenance: low maintenance; cut back in the spring or fall (choose based on aesthetics) 
 spreads by stem pieces or rhizomes (does not go to seed here but can be invasive still)

Use: seasonal fence, screening, sound garden, wetter area in back of mixed boarder or yard
Companion:  a large grass that pairs well with medium sized perennials or shrubs that balance its dominating shape; be cautious about planting it with sensitive plants as it may just move into their area (native ephemeral not good with) 
be cautious about where to be sure it won’t escape your garden beds


Pests and disease:
 none significant; 
Deer resistant:
Other animals:


Local info,: not native; does not go to seed in Victoria and isn’t a problem here, but be cautious, it is invasive in other areas
Nature:  invasive ornamental deciduous grass 
Identification (key features):
 can tell it differs from miscanthus app. because  stalks look like corn stalks (sheathing) and stems are this (size of a quarter) and panicles are different
Interesting facts: originally planted for fuel and ruffle (but isn’t used for this anymore)
A. d. ‘Variegata’ – white strips leaves, very pretty, 6’x24″
Comments: invasive in southern USA

Podocarps nivalis

Podocarps nivalis
“Alpine totara””Plum yew”

Evergreen Conifer  Shrub

Zone:  7 – 10
Native habitat:  New Zealand (mountains / sub alpine regions)

Soil: fertile, humus
Moisture: well drained, average, tolerates some drought
Light: full sun (best) to part shade
Exposure: protect from cold, drying winds
Plant size (h x w): 3′ x 3′; usually wider than higher; can rarely see them 6’x6′
Other: tough

Shape/stem: bright green stems, horizontal growth habit (wider than tall)
Leaf: rigid green-bronze needles attached radially around shoots needles short, messy off stem with sharp tips
Flower: dioecious; male plants yellow catkin-like cons; older females green cone-like parts which develop into bright red arils with seed protruding from each
Bloom: insignificant

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general
Maintain: low maintenance, remove dead and damaged, responds well to pruning
Propagate: cutting, seed

Landscape: specimen, winter interest, mixed boarder, top of rockeries so the branches can tumble down, short hedge, erosion conrtrol
Companion planting: can be nice planted with heathers to mixed into an entirely heather bed; can prune to allow it to weave nicely into empty areas of a bed 
Medicinal: unknown
potfruits potents

Pests and disease: none significant, very little disease seen, more of a problem if grown in cold, wet soils
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 1 g or bigger
Nature: adaptable evergreen shrub
Identification (key features): needles close-set, spirally arranged, erect or subpatent, rigid, coriaceous, margins thickened, linear-oblong
Interesting Facts: family related to Taxus
Comments: species tends to vary both in the wild and plant nuseries
has a sharp almost toxic smell when foliage is crushed

Thuja occidentalis ‘Rheingold’

Thuja occidentalis ‘Rheingold’
“White cedar Rheingold”

Evergreen Conifer  Shrub – Sub-shrub

Zone: 2 – 7
Native habitat:  Eastern North America

Soil: moderately fertile
Moisture: well drained, average to moist
Light: full sun (will turn green in part-shade)
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 3′ max
Other: prefers more water than less, don’t let it dry out

Shape/stem: cone-shaped to dome-shaped, dwarf cultivar
Leaf: predominately juvenile, scale-like foliage, striking gold in summer becoming coppery in winter, flat, fan-shaped clusters, mealy
Flower:small knobbly oval cones
Bloom: insignificant
Other: shallow rooted

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: summer watering for the first few seasons, never let fully dry out while establishing
Maintain: low maintenance, little to no pruning needed, remove dead and damaged rheinasa
Propagate: cutting,

Landscape: specimen, winter interest, fall interest, boarder
Companion planting: can be nice planted with other conifers in a conifer mixed boarder; colors of dark green and purple contrast well rhien
Medicinal: unknown

Pests and disease: none significant, can see scale insects
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 1 g or bigger
Identification (key features):
Interesting Facts:
 T. o. ‘Ellwangeriana Aurea’ – “Thuja” – 6′ in old age, (often confused with above)
Comments: Thuja = “cedar” but is not a true cedar


Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’

Thuja occidentalis ‘Smaragd’
“Emerald green cedar”

Evergreen Conifer Tree or Shurb

Zone: 3 – 8
Native habitat:  Eastern North America thujasa1

Soil: deep, moderately fertile
Moisture: well drained, average to moist
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: general
Plant size (h x w): 9′- 25′ x 3′ – 4′
Other: prefers more water than less

Shape/stem: columnar, tight growing, pyramidal
Leaf: scales flat, densely overlapping, bright emerald green (all year)
Flower: female cones ovoid, splitting open from top down,  small knobbly cones
Bloom: insignificant
Other: stays green in the winters; growth slows dramatically at about 15 feet high by 4 feet wide

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: plant 2-3′ apart for hedge; summer watering for the first few seasons, never let fully dry out while establishing
Maintain: low maintenance, don’t prune top until desired height is reached; prune dead and damaged,
Propagate: cutting, grafting

Landscape: specimen, screen, wind break, hedge, winter interest, boarder,
Companion planting: en mass in hedge, 
Medicinal: unknown

Pests and disease: none significant
Deer resistant: yes
Other animals:

Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 2 g or bigger
Nature: commonly used as evergreen hedge
Identification (key features): conical shrub with erect sprays of bright green foliage all year,
Interesting Facts: ‘Smaragd’ means “emerald” in Danish
 T. o. ‘Pyramidalis’ – “Thuja” “Arborvitae” “Cedar”
– taller, narrower, less lacey, goes bronze in winter
– plant 1.5′-2′ apart to form hedge
Comments: Thuja = “cedar” but is not a true cedar


Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’

Chamaecyparis obtusa ‘Nana Gracilis’
“Dwarf Hinoki cypress”

Evergreen Conifer Shrub – Dwarf

Zone: 4 – 8
Native habitat : Japan

Soil: rich
Moisture: well drained, average to moist
Light: full sun to part shade
Exposure: protect from very windy exposed sites
Plant size (h x w): 10′ x 6′ (very slow to this and only without any pruning)
age 10: 32″!!!

Shape/stem: upright, compact, oval to round, bushy
Leaf: dark green, glossy, blunt scales in shell-shaped sprays, flatter growth to scales in clean layers (slightly overlapping) with white band on underneath of scales
Flower: cones of both male and females are round
Bloom: insignificant
Other: slow growing

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general;
Maintain: can prune hard (to make bushy or encourage into a tight shape) but likely wont have too (so slow to grow and already a dwarf shrub); prune out dead; rake up needles and hose down a couple of times a year to avoid/prevent spider mites (if a real problem you can also mist them during the hot summer nights as a deterrent)
Propagate: cutting, grafting

Landscape: specimen, winter interest, evergreen shrub, informal short hedge, container
Companion planting: look to colors of variegation, dark green, silver or gold 
Medicinal: unknown

Pests and disease: spider mites; may see phytophthora root diseases
Deer resistant: yes
Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase): 1g or bigger
Nature: compact slow growing dwarf conifer shrub
Identification (key features): compact habit, dwarf shrub; dark green, glossy, blunt scales, sprays look like shell (flatter growth concave in clean layers slightly overlapping), white band on underneath of scales
Interesting facts: Chamaecyparis = false cypress
Cultivars: ‘Nana Gracilis’ and the shorter cultivar ‘Nana’ are often confused; differ mainly in height, ‘Nana’ is more compact