Euonymus fortunei var. radicans

Euonymus fortunei var. radicans
“Winter Creeper”

Evergreen shrub

Zone: 5 – 8
Native habitat: east Asia

Soil: average
Moisture: well drained is essential, average
Light: full sun to part-shade
Exposure: protected spot
Plant size (h x w): can reach 15′ if supported x indefinite width
Other: tough, handles dry sun (looks better if given the good life)


Shape/stem: vine-like growth (non-climbing shrub)
Leaf: opposite, elliptic, fine-serrate margin, green
Flower: inconspicuous, 4 petals, greenish yellow
Bloom: spring
Other: green pod berry with orange seed

Treatment (how to…)
Plant: general, needs little attention to grow
Maintain: low maintenance; can take hard cuts, prune to direct growth, tie up or lead against to create height
Propagate: cutting (summer) layering (peg or bury in ground), division; it will root from every node


Landscape: edge of a bed, hanging over a rock or rockwall, trellis (will need to be supported to grow up), filler, ground cover
Companion planting: do not plant under rhododendrons (as they are prone to weevils as well)
Medicinal:  unknown


Pests and disease: weevils
Deer resistant: deer may eat
Other animals:


Local info,: not native
Pot size (to purchase):  1 gallon – 2 gallon
Nature: useful, common, tough evergreen shrub
Identification (key features): identifiable by growth habit and leaves (read above description and refer to photos)
Interesting Facts: named after the plant explorer Robert Fortune
‘Emerald ‘n’ Gold’ – 36″x 36″ – AGM winner
‘Emerald Gaiety’ – 24″ x 24″